Single Location

Location Name Comments, alternative names … Area Country Region
Khanaya Azerbaijan AzerbaijanTranscaucasus

Geoinformation on this Location

Latitude Longitude This Location at …
40.8499600° N48.1466400° E
# Original Records at this Location Family Species Publication
1.Pardosa azerifalcata male holotype and paratypes at KhanayaLycosidae Pardosa azerifalcata Marusik et al. (2003b)
2.31126: Pardosa hortensis Lycosidae Pardosa hortensis Marusik et al. (2003a)
3.31152: Pardosa paracolchica Lycosidae Pardosa paracolchica Marusik et al. (2003a)
4.31165: Pardosa proxima Lycosidae Pardosa proxima Marusik et al. (2003a)
5.32903: Agelescape levyi Agelenidae Agelescape levyi Guseinov et al. (2005b)
6.32901: Agelescape caucasica Agelenidae Persiscape caucasica Guseinov et al. (2005b)
7.32670: Tegenaria ismaillensis Agelenidae Tegenaria ismaillensis Guseinov et al. (2005b)
8.32647: Malthonica lyncea Agelenidae Tegenaria lyncea Guseinov et al. (2005b)
9.31002: Tuberta maerens Cybaeidae Tuberta maerens Marusik & Guseinov (2003)
10.32592: Aelurillus muganicus Salticidae Aelurillus concolor Azarkina (2002a)
11.31862: Chinattus caucasicus Salticidae Chinattus caucasicus Logunov & Guseinov (2002)
12.32311: Pseudeuophrys erratica Salticidae Pseudeuophrys erratica Logunov & Guseinov (2002)
# Cited Records at this location Family Species Original Publication
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database ( under the Open Database License (ODbL). Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

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