Single Location

Location Name Comments, alternative names … Area Country Region
Tshigho Georgia GeorgiaTranscaucasus

Geoinformation on this Location

Latitude Longitude This Location at …
42.4362400° N45.6279600° E
# Original Records at this Location Family Species Publication
1.37959: Dysdera crocata Dysderidae Dysdera crocata Mcheidze (1964)
2.36305: Dysdera crocata Dysderidae Dysdera crocata Mcheidze (1997)
3.39061: Araneus diadematus Araneidae Araneus diadematus Mcheidze (1964)
4.37336: Pardosa blanda Lycosidae Pardosa blanda Mcheidze (1997)
5.38427: Pardosa blanda Lycosidae Pardosa blanda Mcheidze (1964)
6.38048: Agelena labyrinthica Agelenidae Agelena labyrinthica Mcheidze (1964)
7.36521: Drassodes lapidosus macer Gnaphosidae Drassodes cupreus Mcheidze (1997)
8.39385: Drassodes lapidosus maccer Gnaphosidae Drassodes cupreus Mcheidze (1964)
9.36525: Haplodrassus signifer Gnaphosidae Haplodrassus signifer Mcheidze (1997)
# Cited Records at this location Family Species Original Publication
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database ( under the Open Database License (ODbL). Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

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