Single Location

Location Name Comments, alternative names … Area Country Region
PavlodolskayaNorth Ossetia-Alania North Ossetia-AlaniaNorth Caucasus

Geoinformation on this Location

Latitude Longitude This Location at …
43.7192300° N44.4781500° E
# Original Records at this Location Family Species Publication
1.Pholcus alticeps at Pavlodolskaya StanitsaPholcidae Pholcus alticeps Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
2.Parasteatoda tabulata at Stanitsa PavlodolskayaTheridiidae Parasteatoda tabulata Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
3.Parasteatoda tepidariorum at Stanitsa PavlodolskayaTheridiidae Parasteatoda tepidariorum Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
4.Microlinyphia impigra at PavlodolskayaLinyphiidae Microlinyphia impigra Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
5.Araneus diadematus at Stanitsa PavlodolskayaAraneidae Araneus diadematus Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
6.Argiope bruennichi at PavlodolskayaAraneidae Argiope bruennichi Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
7.Mangora acalypha near Pavlodolskaya StanitsaAraneidae Mangora acalypha Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
8.Oxyopes lineatus at Pavlodolskaya StanitsaOxyopidae Oxyopes lineatus Ponomarev & Komarov (2013)
9.Marinarozelotes malkini at Pavlodolskaya Station Gnaphosidae Marinarozelotes malkini Ponomarev & Shmatko (2020)
10.Trachyzelotes pedestris at PavlodolskayaGnaphosidae Trachyzelotes pedestris Ponomarev & Shmatko (2020)
11.Zelotes azsheganovae Pavlodolskaya (North Ossetia)Gnaphosidae Zelotes azsheganovae Ponomarev & Shmatko (2019)
12.Zelotes fuscus at PavlodolskayaGnaphosidae Zelotes fuscus Ponomarev & Shmatko (2019)
# Cited Records at this location Family Species Original Publication
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database ( under the Open Database License (ODbL). Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

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