Country Checklists:
North Caucasus: Russia (Krasnodar Kray) |
Russia (Stavropol Kray) |
Adygea |
Karachay-Cherkessia |
Kabardino-Balkaria |
North Osetia |
Ingushetia |
Chechnya |
Dagestan South Caucasus::
Georgia |
Armenia |
AzerbaijanRegion Checklists:
Abkhazia |
North Caucasus |
South OssetiaThe Checklists include only species with verified occurence in this country or region. Species of doubtful status are listed in the Blacklist below.
Jump to this section below.Selected Checklist: Ingushetia (121 species)
# | Family | Genus | Species | Author |
1. | Dysderidae | Dysdera | Dysdera borealicaucasica | Dunin, 1991 |
2. | Dysderidae | Dysdera | Dysdera crocata | C. L. Koch, 1838 |
3. | Dysderidae | Dysdera | Dysdera hungarica | Kulczynski, 1897 |
cf. Dysdera atra Mcheidze, 1979. |
4. | Dysderidae | Dysdera | Dysdera lata | Wider, 1834 |
5. | Dysderidae | Harpactea | Harpactea spasskyi | Dunin, 1992 |
6. | Theridiidae | Asagena | Asagena phalerata | (Panzer, 1801) |
7. | Theridiidae | Enoplognatha | Enoplognatha ovata | (Clerck, 1757) |
8. | Theridiidae | Heterotheridion | Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum | (Simon, 1873) |
9. | Theridiidae | Neottiura | Neottiura bimaculata | (Linnaeus, 1767) |
10. | Theridiidae | Paidiscura | Paidiscura pallens | (Blackwall, 1834) |
11. | Theridiidae | Parasteatoda | Parasteatoda lunata | (Clerck, 1757) |
12. | Theridiidae | Phylloneta | Phylloneta impressa | (L. Koch, 1881) |
13. | Theridiidae | Robertus | Robertus lividus | (Blackwall, 1836) |
14. | Theridiidae | Steatoda | Steatoda bipunctata | (L., 1758) |
15. | Theridiidae | Theridion | Theridion boesenbergi | Strand, 1904 |
16. | Theridiidae | Theridion | Theridion varians | Hahn, 1833 |
17. | Theridiosomatidae | Theridiosoma | Theridiosoma gemmosum | (L. Koch, 1877) |
18. | Linyphiidae | Agyneta | Agyneta rurestris | (C. L. Koch, 1836) |
Meioneta rurestris |
19. | Linyphiidae | Ceratinella | Ceratinella scabrosa | (O. P.-Cambridge, 1871) |
20. | Linyphiidae | Drapetisca | Drapetisca socialis | (Sundevall, 1833) |
21. | Linyphiidae | Hylyphantes | Hylyphantes nigritus | (Simon, 1881) |
22. | Linyphiidae | Linyphia | Linyphia hortensis | Sundevall, 1830 |
23. | Linyphiidae | Linyphia | Linyphia triangularis | (Clerck, 1757) |
24. | Linyphiidae | Maso | Maso gallicus | Simon, 1894 |
25. | Linyphiidae | Micrargus | Micrargus herbigradus | (Blackwall, 1854) |
26. | Linyphiidae | Microlinyphia | Microlinyphia pusilla | (Sundevall, 1830) |
27. | Linyphiidae | Microneta | Microneta viaria | (Blackwall, 1841) |
28. | Linyphiidae | Neriene | Neriene clathrata | (Sundevall, 1830) |
29. | Linyphiidae | Neriene | Neriene emphana | (Walckenaer, 1842) |
30. | Linyphiidae | Neriene | Neriene peltata | (Wider, 1834) |
31. | Linyphiidae | Poeciloneta | Poeciloneta variegata | (Blackwall, 1841) |
32. | Linyphiidae | Tenuiphantes | Tenuiphantes contortus | (Tanasevitch, 1986) |
33. | Linyphiidae | Tenuiphantes | Tenuiphantes mengei | (Kulczynski, 1887) |
T. mengei can easily be confused with T. perseus (cf. Tanasevitch 2009). |
34. | Tetragnathidae | Metellina | Metellina segmentata | (Clerck, 1757) |
35. | Tetragnathidae | Pachygnatha | Pachygnatha degeeri | Sundevall, 1830 |
36. | Tetragnathidae | Tetragnatha | Tetragnatha dearmata | Thorell, 1873 |
37. | Tetragnathidae | Tetragnatha | Tetragnatha obtusa | C. L. Koch, 1837 |
38. | Tetragnathidae | Tetragnatha | Tetragnatha pinicola | L. Koch, 1870 |
39. | Araneidae | Aculepeira | Aculepeira ceropegia | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
Some records in Abdurakhmanov & Alieva (2009, 2011) are misidentifications (see A. armida). |
40. | Araneidae | Araneus | Araneus alsine | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
41. | Araneidae | Araneus | Araneus circe | (Audouin, 1826) |
42. | Araneidae | Araneus | Araneus diadematus | Clerck, 1757 |
43. | Araneidae | Araniella | Araniella cucurbitina | (Clerck, 1757) |
44. | Araneidae | Cyclosa | Cyclosa conica | (Pallas, 1772) |
45. | Araneidae | Hypsosinga | Hypsosinga sanguinea | (C. L. Koch, 1844) |
46. | Araneidae | Larinioides | Larinioides cornutus | (Clerck, 1757) |
47. | Araneidae | Mangora | Mangora acalypha | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
48. | Araneidae | Neoscona | Neoscona adianta | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
49. | Araneidae | Singa | Singa nitidula | C. L. Koch, 1844 |
50. | Araneidae | Zygiella | Zygiella montana | (C. L. Koch, 1834) |
Syn. Parazygiella montana |
51. | Lycosidae | Alopecosa | Alopecosa schmidti | (Hahn, 1835) |
52. | Lycosidae | Aulonia | Aulonia albimana | (Walckenaer, 1805) |
53. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa amentata | (Clerck, 1757) |
54. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa bifasciata | (C. L. Koch, 1836) |
55. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa buchari | Ovtsharenko, 1979 |
56. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa caucasica | Ovtsharenko, 1979 |
57. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa lugubris | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
58. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa paludicola | (Clerck, 1757) |
59. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa prativaga | (L. Koch, 1870) |
60. | Lycosidae | Pardosa | Pardosa riparia | (C. L. Koch, 1833) |
61. | Lycosidae | Piratula | Piratula hurkai | (Buchar, 1966) |
Syn. Pirata hurkai |
62. | Lycosidae | Piratula | Piratula hygrophila | (Thorell, 1872) |
63. | Lycosidae | Trochosa | Trochosa spinipalpis | (F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1895) |
64. | Lycosidae | Trochosa | Trochosa terricola | Thorell, 1856 |
65. | Lycosidae | Xerolycosa | Xerolycosa miniata | (L. Koch, 1834) |
66. | Lycosidae | Xerolycosa | Xerolycosa nemoralis | (Westring, 1861) |
67. | Pisauridae | Pisaura | Pisaura mirabilis | (Clerck, 1757) |
Compare with P. novicia, some records are based on misidentified material. |
68. | Agelenidae | Agelena | Agelena labyrinthica | (Clerck, 1757) |
69. | Agelenidae | Allagelena | Allagelena gracilens | (C. L. Koch, 1841) |
70. | Agelenidae | Pireneitega | Pireneitega spasskyi | (Charitonov, 1946) |
Several similar species, cf. Abdurakhmanov et al. 2012: 20f. Records in SW Georgia need to be verified, cf. P. ovtchinnikovi in Kovblyuk et al. (2013). |
71. | Agelenidae | Tegenaria | Tegenaria campestris | C. L. Koch, 1834 |
72. | Cybaeidae | Cryphoeca | Cryphoeca silvicola | (C. L. Koch, 1834) |
73. | Dictynidae | Dictyna | Dictyna arundinacea | (L., 1758) |
74. | Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium | Cheiracanthium erraticum | (Walck., 1802) |
75. | Miturgidae | Zora | Zora spinimana | (Sundevall, 1833) |
76. | Anyphaenidae | Anyphaena | Anyphaena accentuata | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
77. | Phrurolithidae | Phrurolithus | Phrurolithus festivus | (C. L. Koch, 1835) |
78. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona alexeevi | Mikhailov, 1990 |
79. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona caucasica | Mikhailov & Otto, 2017 |
This species can easily be confused with C. caerulescens, which probably does not occur in the Caucasus. |
80. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona lutescens | Westring, 1851 |
81. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona neglecta | O. P.-Cambridge, 1862 |
82. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona pseudosimilis | Mikhailov, 1990 |
83. | Clubionidae | Clubiona | Clubiona similis | C. L. Koch, 1867 |
see comment in Martynovchenko & Mikhailov 2014: 359 on Cl. frisia. |
84. | Trachelidae | Trachelas | Trachelas minor | O. P.-Cambridge, 1872 |
85. | Gnaphosidae | Civizelotes | Civizelotes gracilis | (Canestrini, 1868) |
Syn. Zelotes gracilis |
86. | Gnaphosidae | Drassodes | Drassodes lapidosus | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
87. | Gnaphosidae | Drassodes | Drassodes pubescens | (Thorell, 1856) |
88. | Gnaphosidae | Drassyllus | Drassyllus pumilus | (C. L. Koch, 1839) |
89. | Gnaphosidae | Gnaphosa | Gnaphosa taurica | Throrell, 1875 |
90. | Gnaphosidae | Haplodrassus | Haplodrassus kulczynskii | Lohmander, 1942 |
91. | Gnaphosidae | Haplodrassus | Haplodrassus silvestris | (Blackwall, 1833) |
92. | Gnaphosidae | Kishidaia | Kishidaia conspicua | (L. Koch, 1866) |
93. | Gnaphosidae | Micaria | Micaria fulgens | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
94. | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes | Zelotes atrocaeruleus | (Simon, 1878) |
95. | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes | Zelotes khostensis | Kovblyuk & Ponomarev, 2008 |
96. | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes | Zelotes longipes | (L. Koch, 1866) |
Syn. Z. serotinus. |
97. | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes | Zelotes petrensis | (C. L. Koch, 1839) |
98. | Sparassidae | Micrommata | Micrommata virescens | (Clerck, 1757) |
Compare M. virescens and M. ligurina in Bayram & Özdag (2002). |
99. | Philodromidae | Philodromus | Philodromus aureolus | (Clerck, 1757) |
All records of P. aureolus in Azerbaijan are probably misidentifications (cf. Logunov & Huseynov, 2008:122,128). |
100. | Philodromidae | Philodromus | Philodromus cespitum | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
The record of P. cespitum in Dunin (1989) in Azerbaijan is probably based on a misidentification (cf. Logunov & Huseynov, 2008:128). |
101. | Philodromidae | Tibellus | Tibellus macellus | Simon, 1875 |
102. | Philodromidae | Tibellus | Tibellus oblongus | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
103. | Thomisidae | Diaea | Diaea dorsata | (Fabricius, 1777) |
104. | Thomisidae | Ebrechtella | Ebrechtella tricuspidata | (Fabricius, 1775) |
Syn. Misumenops tricuspidatus. |
105. | Thomisidae | Misumena | Misumena vatia | (Clerck, 1757) |
106. | Thomisidae | Ozyptila | Ozyptila trux | (Blackwall, 1846) |
107. | Thomisidae | Synema | Synema globosum | (Fabricius, 1775) |
108. | Thomisidae | Thomisus | Thomisus onustus | Walckenaer, 1805 |
Syn. Thomisus albus (Gmelin, 1789). |
109. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus bifasciatus | C. L. Koch, 1837 |
110. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus cristatus | (Clerck, 1757) |
111. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus kochi | Thorell, 1872 |
Subspecies X. kochi abchasicus Mcheidze et Utochkin, 1971 might be a separate species (cf. Kovblyuk et al. 2011: 51). |
112. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus lineatus | Westring, 1851 |
113. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus luctuosus | Blackwall, 1836 |
114. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus spasskyi | Utochkin, 1968 |
Syn. X. umbrinus Utochkin, 1968. |
115. | Thomisidae | Xysticus | Xysticus ukrainicus | Utochkin, 1968 |
116. | Salticidae | Evarcha | Evarcha arcuata | (Clerck, 1757) |
117. | Salticidae | Evarcha | Evarcha laetabunda | (C. L. Koch, 1846) |
118. | Salticidae | Heliophanus | Heliophanus cupreus | (Walckenaer, 1802) |
119. | Salticidae | Heliophanus | Heliophanus melinus | (L. Koch, 1867) |
120. | Salticidae | Heliophanus | Heliophanus simplex | Simon, 1868 |
121. | Salticidae | Menemerus | Menemerus semilimbatus | (Hahn, 1829) |
Country Blacklist: Ingushetia
# | Family | Genus | Species | Author |
(121 species)
# | Family | Genus | Species | Author |
# | Family | Genus | Species | Author |
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database ( under the
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