Location Name | Comments, alternative names … | Area | Country | Region |
Zintsar | North Ossetia-Alania | North Ossetia-Alania | North Caucasus |
Geoinformation on this Location
Latitude | Longitude | This Location at Geonames.org … |
42.8811850° N | 44.1715970° E | http://geonames.org/462472 |
# | Original Records at this Location | Family | Species | Publication |
1. | 32911: Dysdera borealicaucasica | Dysderidae | Dysdera borealicaucasica | Dunin (1991a) |
2. | Dysdera hungarica subalpina at Zintsar | Dysderidae | Dysdera hungarica | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
3. | 33042: Dysdera hungarica | Dysderidae | Dysdera hungarica | Dunin (1992a) |
4. | 33183: Harpactea spasskyi | Dysderidae | Harpactea spasskyi | Dunin (1992a) |
5. | Dipoena braccata at Zintsar | Theridiidae | Dipoena braccata | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
6. | Achaearanea tepidariorum at Zintsar | Theridiidae | Parasteatoda tepidariorum | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
7. | 33732: Robertus mediterraneus | Theridiidae | Robertus mediterraneus | Eskov (1987) |
8. | 35037: Sintula oseticus | Linyphiidae | Sintula oseticus | Tanasevitch (1990) |
9. | Lepthyphantes mengei at Zintsar | Linyphiidae | Tenuiphantes mengei | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
10. | Araniella cucurbitina at Zintsar | Araneidae | Araniella cucurbitina | Trilikauskas & Komarov (2013) |
11. | Gibbaranea omoeda at Zintsar | Araneidae | Gibbaranea omoeda | Trilikauskas & Komarov (2013) |
12. | Hypsosinga sanguinea at Zintsar | Araneidae | Hypsosinga sanguinea | Trilikauskas & Komarov (2013) |
13. | Mangora acalypha at Zintsar | Araneidae | Mangora acalypha | Trilikauskas & Komarov (2013) |
14. | Nuctenea umbratica at Zintsar | Araneidae | Nuctenea umbratica | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
15. | Pardosa abagensis at Zintsar | Lycosidae | Pardosa abagensis | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
16. | Trochosa robusta at Zintsar | Lycosidae | Trochosa robusta | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
17. | Trochosa robusta at Zintsar | Lycosidae | Trochosa robusta | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
18. | Xerolycosa miniata at Zintsar | Lycosidae | Xerolycosa miniata | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
19. | Agelena labyrinthica at Zintsar | Agelenidae | Agelena labyrinthica | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
20. | Gnaphosa lucifuga at Zintsar | Gnaphosidae | Gnaphosa lucifuga | Ovtsharenko et al. (1992) |
21. | Gnaphosa steppica at Zintsar | Gnaphosidae | Gnaphosa steppica | Tuneva & Esyunin (2003) |
22. | Gnaphosa steppica at Zintsar | Gnaphosidae | Gnaphosa steppica | Ovtsharenko et al. (1992) |
23. | Parasyrisca alexeevi female holotype in Ardon River Valley (Alagir Gorge) opposite of Unal and Zintsar | Gnaphosidae | Parasyrisca alexeevi | Ovtsharenko et al. (1995) |
24. | Zelotes longipes at Zintsar | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes longipes | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
25. | Coriarachne depressa at Zintsar | Thomisidae | Coriarachne depressa | Ponomarev & Mikhailov (2007a) |
26. | Evarcha arcuata between Zinkar and Shubino (Alagir District) | Salticidae | Evarcha arcuata | Logunov (2015) |
27. | Philaeus chrysops | Salticidae | Philaeus chrysops | Logunov & Rakov (1998) |
# | Cited Records at this location | Family | Species | Original Publication |