New records from several publications have been added to the database …
- Marusik & Azarkina (2016) added new records of Xysticus spasskyi
- Ponomarev et al. (2019) added 400+ records for spiders species in Dagestan, including first records for the Caucasus Ecoregion (Pholcus sogdianae, Phlegra lineata, Berlandina saraevi)
- Marusik et al. (2020) added the new species Amaurobius caucasicus Marusik, Otto & Japoshvili 2020 from Lagodekhi National Park and a record of Amaurobius antipovae from Adler (Krasnodar)
The distribution maps for each species have been slightly improved, e. g. the diagram displaying the altitudinal distribution now displays all record points. This should make the statistics more comprehensible. R programming is fun!
As always, please send me citations or even better, PDF files, of publications which need to be added to the database!
All the best, Stefan