Density of spider records in the Caucasus Ecoregion; gray: no records within 25-km-radius; white: 1 record; darkest red: 308 records. Read more …
Version 1.4.3 of the Caucasian Spider Database includes 13321 records of 1107 spider species, destilling the information distributed across 275 publications with occurrence data of spiders in the Caucaus Ecoregion.
Citation: Otto, S. (2015): Caucasian Spiders. A faunistic database on the spiders of the Caucasus. Version 1.4.3 Internet: http://caucasus-spiders.info/
New features on these pages include:
- A Commented Checklist of the Spider Species (Araneae) in the Caucasus Ecoregion (also available as PDF),
- Redesigned species datasheets with new record maps, information on altitudinal distribution and abundance status,
- The new Genus pages listing all species within a genus according to their abundance and with links to the pages of Araneae – Spiders of Europe. This feature should make determination somewhat easier,
- A record density plot (see above) showing relatively well visited regions and regions with few or no spider records at all (gray and white areas in the plot). More information on spider diversity patterns is given in the pages on landscape & habitat diversity and species diversity patterns.
New content in the database includes:
- Utochkin (1968) with descriptions of three species: Xysticus caspicus, X. spasskyi (= X. umbrinus), X. ukrainicus.
- Mikhailova & Mikhailov (2002) with a number of records on the Lycosidae of the northern macroslope of the Caucasus Major
- Marusik et al. (2003) on P. azerifalcata and P. jergeniensis
- Kovblyuk & Marusik (2012) on Robertus golovatchi
- Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) on the spider fauna of North Ossetia-Alania added 637 records, including first records for the Caucasus for Porrhomma campbelli, Tiso vagans, Troxochrus scabriculus, Pardosa albatula, Ero cambridgei, Enoplognatha tecta, Theridium mystaceum, Ozyptila claveata, Titanoeca psammophila and possibly Gnaphosa reikhardi.
- Triliskauskas & Komarov (2013) with 21 records of orb-web spiders in North Ossetia
- Ponomarev & Abdurakhmanov (2014) with 107 records of spider species on the Caspian Coast of Dagestan
- Ponomarev & Chumachenko (2014) with 107 records of spider species, including the first record of Palludiphantes pillichi in the Caucasus
- Martinovchenko & Mikhailov (2014) with 210 records of spiders in Teberda Reserve with five first records in the Caucasus Ecoregion: Agyneta simplicitarsis, Alopecosa fabrilis, Thanatus striatus, Zora alpina and Zora manicata.
- Barjadze et al. (2015) with records of 13 species from caves in Georgian Karst Caves
- Otto & Tanasevitch (2015) with the description of Incestophantes shetekaurii from Assa Valley