Location Name | Comments, alternative names … | Area | Country | Region |
Verkhniy Fiagdon | North Ossetia-Alania | North Ossetia-Alania | North Caucasus |
Geoinformation on this Location
Latitude | Longitude | This Location at Geonames.org … |
42.8328200° N | 44.2983200° E | http://geonames.org/475003 |
# | Original Records at this Location | Family | Species | Publication |
1. | Spermophora senoculata 5 km WSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Pholcidae | Spermophora senoculata | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
2. | Ceratinella brevis 9 km SSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Linyphiidae | Ceratinella brevis | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
3. | Pachygnatha degeeri 7 km SW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Tetragnathidae | Pachygnatha degeeri | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
4. | Aculepeira armida at Verkhniy Fiagdon | Araneidae | Aculepeira armida | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
5. | Pardosa bifasciata 3 km WSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Lycosidae | Pardosa bifasciata | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
6. | Pireneitega ovtchinnikovi 5 km WSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon at River Fiagdon | Agelenidae | Pireneitega ovtchinnikovi | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
7. | 31231: Clubiona lutescens | Clubionidae | Clubiona lutescens | Mikhailov (1990) |
8. | 31312: Clubiona pallidula | Clubionidae | Clubiona pallidula | Mikhailov (1990) |
9. | Gnaphosa lugubris 6 km SW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Gnaphosidae | Gnaphosa lugubris | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
10. | Haplodrassus signifer 6 km S of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Gnaphosidae | Haplodrassus signifer | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
11. | Poecilochroa variana near Verkhniy Fiagdon | Gnaphosidae | Poecilochroa variana | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
12. | Scotophaeus scutulatus 2.5 km WSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Gnaphosidae | Scotophaeus scutulatus | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
13. | Zelotes kukushkini 9 km SSW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Gnaphosidae | Zelotes fuscus | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
14. | Runcinia grammica 3.5 km SW of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Thomisidae | Runcinia grammica | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
15. | Pseudeuophrys lanigera 5 km S of Verkhniy Fiagdon | Salticidae | Pseudeuophrys lanigera | Ponomarev & Komarov (2013) |
# | Cited Records at this location | Family | Species | Original Publication |