Species Datasheet

Xysticus audax (Schrank, 1803)

Record Map:
Family: : Thomisidae
Genus: : Xysticus

North Caucasus

abundant species, 29 record(s)

Determination Link:
# Original Records Location Publication Comment
1.Xysticus audax on Mt. Malaya Khatipara Mt. Malaya Khatipara Martynovchenko & Mikhailov (2014)
2.39726: Xysticus audax Georgia Gegechkori et al. (2005b)
3.36743: Xysticus audax Tsemi Mcheidze (1997)
4.36748: Xysticus audax Zendidi Mcheidze (1997)
5.36744: Xysticus audax Tshiatura Mcheidze (1997)
6.36740: Xysticus audax Telavi Mcheidze (1997)
7.36745: Xysticus audax Ambrolauri Mcheidze (1997)
8.36742: Xysticus audax Tskhratsqaro Pass Mcheidze (1997)
9.36741: Xysticus audax Dzhvarpatiosani Mcheidze (1997)
10.36747: Xysticus audax Keda Mcheidze (1997)
11.36746: Xysticus audax Mestia Mcheidze (1997)
12.Xysticus audax at Grozny Grozny Minoranski (1988)
13.Xysticus audax at Sayasan Sayasan Minoranski (1988)
14.39528: Xysticus audak Mestia Mcheidze (1964)
15.39525: Xysticus audak Tshiatura Mcheidze (1964)
16.39517: Xysticus audak Telavi Mcheidze (1964)
17.39529: Xysticus audak Agara (Gori) Mcheidze (1964)
18.39522: Xysticus audak Tsemi Mcheidze (1964)
19.39520: Xysticus audak Tbilisi Mcheidze (1964)
20.39519: Xysticus audak Tsinandali Mcheidze (1964)
21.39521: Xysticus audak Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park Mcheidze (1964)
22.39530: Xysticus audak Zugdidi Mcheidze (1964)
23.39526: Xysticus audak Ambrolauri Mcheidze (1964)
24.39524: Xysticus audak Tskhratsqaro Pass Mcheidze (1964)
25.39518: Xysticus audak Dzhvarpatiosani Mcheidze (1964)
26.39527: Xysticus audak Khotevi Mcheidze (1964)
27.Xysticus lateralis Hahn at Khosta Khosta Spassky (1937a)
28.Xysticus lateralis Hahn on Mikhailovskiy Pass Mikhailovskiy Pass Spassky (1937a)
29.33651: Xysticus lateralis Dilizhan Kulczynski (1895)
# Cited Records Location Original Publication Citing Publication
1.22051: Xysticus audax Caucasus citation missing view citing publication
2.22068: Xysticus audax Georgia citation missing view citing publication
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database (http://caucasus-spiders.info/) under the Open Database License (ODbL). Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

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