Species Datasheet

Cheiracanthium erraticum (Walck., 1802)

Record Map:
Family: : Cheiracanthiidae
Genus: : Cheiracanthium

North Caucasus

very abundant species, 33 record(s)

Determination Link:
# Original Records Location Publication Comment
1.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Gofitskoe Gofitskoe Ponomarev et al. (2017)
2.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Manychskoe Manychskoe Ponomarev et al. (2017)
3.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Zonkari 5 km N of Zonkari Ponomarov & Komarov (2015)
4.Cheiracanthium erraticum near Tskhinvali Tskhinvali Ponomarov & Komarov (2015)
5.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Atsriskhevi 2 km E of Atsriskhevi Ponomarov & Komarov (2015)
6.Cheiracanthium erraticum on Mt. Malaya Khatipara Mt. Malaya Khatipara Martynovchenko & Mikhailov (2014)
7.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Stavropolskiy Kray Stavropol Kray Abdurakhmanov et al. (2012)
8.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Adygea Adygea Abdurakhmanov et al. (2012)
9.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Nikel Nikel Ponomarev et al. (2012)
10.Cheiracanthium errraticum on Gagra Mt. Range Gagra Kovblyuk et al. (2011)
11.Cheiracanthium erraticum on Tshetshen Island Tshetshen Island Ponomarev et al. (2011a)
12.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Bryanskaya Kosa Bryansk Peninsula Ponomarev et al. (2011a)
13.Cheiracanthium erraticum Nizhniye Kazanishtshe Nizhneye Kazanishtshe Ponomarev et al. (2011b)
14.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Noviy Kumykh Noviy Kumykh Ponomarev et al. (2011b)
15.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Verkhnee kazanishtshe Verkhnee Kazanishtshe Khalidov & Ponomarev (2008)
16.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Krasnodar Kray Krasnodar Seyfulina (2008)
17.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Verkhnee kazanishtshe Verkhnee Kazanishtshe Ponomarev & Khalidov (2007b)
18.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Tbilisi Tbilisi Pkhakadze (2006)
19.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Lenkoran Area Lenkoran (City) Guseinov (1999b)
20.Cheiracanthium erraticum on Apsheron Peninsula Apsheron Peninsula Guseinov (1999b)
21.36860: Chiracanthium erraticum Poti Mcheidze (1997)
22.36863: Chiracanthium erraticum Mt. Kotshalo Mcheidze (1997)
23.36864: Chiracanthium erraticum Kodzhori Mcheidze (1997)
24.36861: Chiracanthium erraticum Kobuleti Mcheidze (1997)
25.36862: Chiracanthium erraticum Lagodekhi National Park Mcheidze (1997)
26.Cheiracanthium erraticum in Mugan Steppe between Saatly, Sabirabad and Salyan Mugan steppe Dunin & Mamedov (1992)
27.Cheiracanthiu [sic] erraticum between Zagatala-Sheki-Ismaily Sheki Dunin (1989b)
28.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Targim Targim Minoranski (1988)
29.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Sayasan Sayasan Minoranski (1988)
30.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Shelkovskaya Shelkovskaya Minoranski (1988)
31.31577: Chiracanhium erraticus Apsheron Peninsula Dunin (1984)
32.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Grozny Grozny Minoranski et al. (1984)
33.Cheiracanthium erraticum at Sukhum Sukhumi Spassky (1937a)
# Cited Records Location Original Publication Citing Publication
1.18338: Cheiracanthium erraticum Caucasus citation missing view citing publication
2.18351: Cheiracanthium erraticum Azerbaijan citation missing view citing publication
3.36859: Chiracanthium erraticum Sukhumi Spassky (1937a) view citing publication
4.4456: Cheiracanthium erraticum Caucasus citation missing view citing publication
5.4469: Cheiracanthium erraticum Georgia citation missing view citing publication
6.4470: Cheiracanthium erraticum Azerbaijan citation missing view citing publication
Information compiled from the Caucasian Spiders Database (http://caucasus-spiders.info/) under the Open Database License (ODbL). Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.

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